Tuesday 22 June 2010

"I suggest too the police the photo shop experts like Dewis and Harrison are responsible for the disgusting images sent to me via email and the post"
Copied from Brookes' Blog. I'm increasingly fed up of seeing my name used every time you go off on one of your bullying, ranting diatribes Brookes. I can't speak for anyone else but where I am concerned, I have never written to you in my life nor am ever likely to. You are an evil, nasty little man trying to make a name for yourself and sadly you have succeeded, the wrong sort of name, but nonetheless, you have succeeded.
NOW, regarding all these accusations you keep on making about me, it is time to either put up or shut up. Let's see all of the evidence you supposedly have. This is going to be very difficult as there is none.
Now be quiet and go away, live your mindless little life and leave other people alone to get on with theirs. DO NOT START A WAR WHERE THERE ARE NO WINNERS OR LOSERS AS YOU MAY END UP A SAD AND LONELY INDIVIDUAL


  1. What a mess we have Mr Harrison you have a poor memory surely you have not forgotten the photos traced from the forum to your photobucket account. I am not a bully the public attend meetings now and see who the bullies are. I am not happy publishing on a blog but when but I feel it is the only way this will be sorted out. Your blog does not look good for you either.

    If the small group of people left me alone and we could all be happy.

  2. I hope you noticed the unprovoked messages received from george carey i am told he is a friend of yours. now that is nasty, I have never spoken to the man and he say he does not like me.

    I wont be lonely I have a very good circle of friends.

    If you want honesty I dont dislike you Alf is more of a problem than you.

    I link your blog on mine so people can see how i am treated.

    I dont get angry about it anymore.

    lifes to short, that reminds surely you partaking in these activities against me causes you undue stress and thats not good for you

    regard from martin

    thats if you are jim so many things get sent to me by some one pretending to be someone else.

  3. Wise words indeed, and one hopes that Brookes will take notice and act upon them accordingly.

    Unfortunately, he has shown time and time again that he is so monumentally stupid, that he is neither willing nor able to do so.

    This is something which, thankfully, anybody reading his odious little blog will very quickly see.

    He makes even more of a fool of himself (and makes more and more enemies) with every poisonous and wholly unnecessary entry he publishes, and this is something that I, and I'm sure anybody else who reads his drivel, finds hilarious!

  4. Well said.It is about time Brookes stopped his pathetic campaign against innocent people.He stalks, harasses and bullies people then claims he is an innocent victim when they complain.
    Try it Martin; remove all the names and accusations from your blog and leave people alone.
    If you feel you have anyone to complain about then do it through the proper channels, not via some spiteful ramblings on a blog.

  5. "thats if you are jim so many things get sent to me by some one pretending to be someone else"

    Therein lies the problem Mr.Brookes.

    You are publishing things on the back of what somebody who is obviously playing games with you says. A lot of what you have on your blog is false information and is the cause of great upset for many people in and around Oakham. These people do not wish to see their names mentioned anywhere on the internet - especially not on your shameful blog which accuses them of things they have nothing to do with.

    "I am not happy publishing on a blog but when but I feel it is the only way this will be sorted out"

    This blog only came about because yours is still there, and still contains the false and upsetting posts mentioned above and elsewhere on this blog.

    The only way any of this will be sorted out as far as I can see, is if you remove your blog and conduct yourself in a decent, mature and civilised manner.
